Pro Mouthguard Fitting Instructions

Shock Doctor Pro Mouthguard Fitting Instructions

To Fit This Mouthguard You Will Need:

  • Pro Mouthguard
  • Saucepan
  • Slotted spoon
  • Mirror
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • A clock or watch with second hand

Fitting Instructions

  1. Fill saucepan with 3 to 4 inches of water. Bring water to a rolling boil.
  2. Remove water from heat source. Let water stand for 30 seconds, then place mouthguard in water for 12 seconds. (10 seconds if you wear braces) For strapped mouthguards, attach tether before placing in water.
  3. Carefully remove mouthguard from hot water with a slotted spoon or by tether.
  4. Lick your lips before placing mouthguard in your mouth.
  5. Watching in mirror, line up mouthguard carefully with the centerline of upper teeth. Carefully place the mouthguard around all upper teeth.
  6. Bite down firmly on mouthguard and push tongue against the roof of your mouth. Suck in strongly, and use fingers to press mouthguard tight against gums.
  7. Remove mouthguard and cool in cold water for 30 seconds. Replace into mouth and test for a good, firm fit.
  8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 if fit is not accurate.

Quick Tips

  • The Pro Mouthguard will expand up to 20% during the fitting process when molded correctly. It may seem small at first but it will fit!
  • If you didn't get the perfect fit the first time, you can try again! Just repeat the process from the beginning


If for any reason your mouthguard does not fit perfectly, please contact us at or call 800-233-6956 and we will assist you in getting the perfect fit.